AIA / TPP / AMSAs well as a tree survey, the planning department may also require an arboricultural impact assessment (AIA) and/or an arboricultural method statement (AMS) and a tree protection plan (TPP). You may be asked to provide these as a part of the initial application or they may be included in the planning conditions to be discharged prior to commencement of development.
The arboricultural impact assessment identifies trees selected for retention, trees to be removed and trees that will require pruning. This information is typically held as a layer within the design drawings so that it can be overlayed onto the topographical and design data. Colour coded in accordance with the tree quality assessment in the survey, the information will include the canopy spread and the root protection area.
During the development, the retained trees will need to be protected to prevent damage to the trunks, canopies and root systems. Protection might include Heras style fencing or load spreading surfaces to prevent compaction. With more complex developments there may be a requirement for trial trenches dug by air-spade or specialist foundations using pile and beam. This information will be detailed in a tree protection plan and a bespoke arboricultural method statement.